God has a game plan!

Imagine that you are standing on the horizon of the rest of your life. You survey the landscape and see unexplored adventures piquing your curiosity. Oh, in all the wonderment there is enthusiasm and anxiety. And then you remember that God has a plan for you. That is a little bit of what the people of Israel must have felt as they prepared to follow Joshua into the promised land. It was the land of their ancestors. This land was promised to Abraham and was settled by Isaac and Jacob. Now it was their turn.

This must be a little like Pastor Mark and his wife Ann as they wait for the next exciting step of their lives. The kids can sense their family’s enthusiasm. Just like Joshua and the twelve tribes of Israel they are excited because they are trusting that God has a game plan, and they are deciding to trust in him.

This Sunday at 10:30 either online or in person you can benefit from the thrilling Bible study of Joshua. Pastor Mark will be preaching. I will see you there.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White