Have you ever faced a giant who was standing between you and your dreams? Sure you have we all have. One of my giants came when I was in the 8th Grade. He was 6’7 270 pounds and was in the 9th grade. He was already being recruited by Woody Hayes at Ohio State University and he was a bully. He was first chair French horn, and I was second chair. He often pulled his switch blade and would hold it a half inch from my face as he tried to mock me and humiliate me. He did not want me to challenge him for first chair. So bullying was his tactic. We had tussled before school had started over a foul ball at Sanders-Jacobs Baseball Field in Kennewick but during that fight I had my best friend Rich Sanders and my brothers who helped me out. By retrieving that ball, it gave us a free coke to split. But now it wasn’t five against two, it was one on one, and his size made me look like a shrimp and his knife had at least a six-inch blade. I was full of anxiety facing him. Oh, he was a giant. Not the worst giant I would ever face though. My math classes might have been an even greater giant when I was in college. I had to study for two hours for every hour in class, meet with my professor once a week, and meet with a tutor once a week. My “A” in calculus or inferential statistics was a miracle from God helping me tackle my giant.

Have you ever faced a giant? Of course, you have and this week I will be telling the story David and Goliath to the kids with a “kid friendly” dramatical reenactment. The sermon will give you a mega boost to your faith. Boy do all the kids need to hear this. So, meet me at 10:30am online or in person at our Christmas decorated Sanctuary.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White