Easter at Washington Cathedral

by Pastor Tim White

What if I could promise you an Easter experience this year that would be so inspirational - so powerful that it would kick your life in gear!  An Easter that would engage all your faith emotions just like you hoped. An Easter Service that would be a great encouragement. Easter is God’s triumph over death, and we need to celebrate it. 

I love Easter Sunday when people greet one another with the words - “He has risen” and then we get to respond —"He has risen indeed!” A service with cute kids singing “Christ the Lord Has Risen Today” joined by the choir, instruments and congregation all turning it into a tender moment of triumphant spine-tingling faith. All followed by a re-enactment of the first Easter with the “Give Us Barabbas” scene, where the kids will be yelling “Give Us Jesus!”  You can see in their faces and written all over their countenance the impact of this simple story. The crucifixion comes alive by video shot by our beautiful waterfall. This year my sermon is a simple telling of the Easter to the children. (This is something that I am always working on as a grandpa and a pastor.)  Our praise band will lead us in emotion-filled joyful praise.  If ever I have needed an inspirational Easter service, it is this year. With most of the schools on Spring break this year, it is going to be tough. But with your help, we see a miracle happen.  Washington Cathedral needs a miracle. And you need one too, so what a combination.  Please come and bring your friends to this 60-minute experience in the Randy and Rod Re-creation Center. It is a huge building, so we have our work cut out to fill it up.

Of course, there are other events taking place at Washington Cathedral Easter this year.  Pastor David is going to have a delicious Easter breakfast starting at 8:00 – 11:00 am and again after the 11:00 Service.  An Easter Egg Hunt in our swimming pool is open to all the community at 2:00 pm on Saturday, with Pastor Becca White having a short, visitor-friendly Gospel message.  On Easter Sunday, right after the 11:00 am service, we will have a massive Easer Egg Hunt on the hill. As well as thousands of candy-filled eggs, there will be bounce houses and a carnival.  Of course, the kids will hear a short, creative story of the Good News of Easter If it rains, we will move this all inside.   We are so blessed as a church to be able have a contingent plan at our campus. 

At 7:00 am on Sunday, our Youth Pastor Josh will be preaching at the Sunrise Service in the waterfall sanctuary. Communion will be served and the sanctuary is beautiful with the cross scene in the waterfall. Easter Breakfast begins right after this service.

Friday night Pastor Linda will be preaching at our Good Friday Service which is a great time for our church family to all come to gather.  We are going to have a meditative time to remember the Stations of the Cross followed by an all-church communion.  And the choir will be performing to make it a very sacred service.

So, please come Sunday at 11:00 am. We need 1200 people to fill up the Randy and Rod Recreation Center, so we need your help.   The Brazilian Congregation will be packing out the Spirit Falls Sanctuary at 11am and the Korean Congregation will be in the Olympic Room so don’t get confused and miss this dynamic experience of a life-time all in English at the Recreation Center.

And bring a friend.