A Christmas Promise Kept

by Pastor Tim White

 A Christmas Promise Kept - that is the title of the message by Pastor Linda Skinner this weekend as we continue our series  "Christmas Lights the Night."  It is going to be an inspiring service as Linda brings us the Christmas story from the Gospel of Mark.  Yes, the Gospel of Mark has the Christmas story in it also.  Last week Pastor Becca McCary inspired us by kicking off the series "Christmas Lights the Night" by teaching the Christmas story from the Gospel of John. It is in John that we see the dramatic metaphor of Jesus being the "light of the world." 

 This week Pastor Linda will be sharing the incredible drama that comes when adult disciples, followers of Jesus, discover Him for the first time and experience all the magic, joy and salvation that comes with that personal relationship with Jesus.  It truly is Christmas.  To top it off, we have one of our wonderful actresses playing the part of Anna the prophetess doing a dramatic monologue of her first encounter with the baby Jesus.  We will all learn something powerful as we see how long God has been working on the promise of Christmas -- all so we will be able to experience the true miracle of Christmas 2017.  The prophesy shows the down-to-earth power of the Gospel as told in Mark - I am so excited to experience it firsthand.  Of course, the music will be a real lift to your life.  

I am so proud of Pastor Linda and 30 years of ministry at Washington Cathedral and many years of preparation for her Good News ministry to be at its very best.  Would you make it a priority to be there for one of the three services? You honor us with your presence.

Your friend for the rest of your life,
Pastor Tim White