New Year, New Miracles


There is something very exciting about a new year!  2017 almost seems like “Science Fiction” to me.  We had a staff meeting today and as so many staff were down with the influenza we asked them to call into the meeting so they were not sharing their sickness with those of us who were fortunate to avoid this illness.  So, there we were, sitting in the conference room with a table full of cell phones.  It was surreal.  The people on the cell phones could not understand one another so Pastor Josh had to be the interpreter. It was a really fun meeting and we could all, even the cell phone staff, sense the excitement because of God’s plans for Washington Cathedral this year.

To grow in your Christian life, you need a solid, rational, Biblical definition of what a miracle is and how they work in your life. So, Pastor Rex and I are excited to teach on a provocative and rewarding subject – “New Year, New Miracles.”  I am starting it off with a sermon entitled “Wrestling for a Miracle”. My message is taken from the story of Jacob and how he wrestles with God for a whole night and is changed forever.  Even his name is changed from Jacob to Israel.  His experience that night was emblematic of his whole life of seemingly fighting with God.  That is, of course, the human condition whether we recognize it or not. 

This story of Jacob wrestling with God caused my Grandpa White to become a Christian and to follow God’s call into the ministry just after World War I – so, as you can imagine, it has a special place in my heart.  Even so, as I have been studying it for the last couple of weeks, I must say I have gotten even more out of what God is saying here.  I can promise you it will be funny…because I think the passage was intended to be funny. (I also have a great joke or two to share.)  But most of all, I promise you that it will be thought-provoking and heart warming as you hear the powerful Word of God in this passage for your life in 2017. It is already changing mine.

Join us this weekend and learn to understand how to wrestle with God and come away blessed.

 Your friend for the rest of my life,

 Pastor Tim White