Washington Cathedral

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Neighbors Hold Our World Together

I know I probably talk about this way too much but I think it’s a subject that deserves to be touched on.  On Tuesday someone came to the Kansas City victory parade and shot 22 people. One died and seven people are in life threatening situations in the hospital.  I know it sounds like usual modern life but are we remembering that a short time ago this kind of thing was very rare.
When I was in Highschool all the boys had shot guns in our cars.  So that we could go hunting after school. No body even thought that shooting their neighbors was even open to think about.  It was unheard of that anyone would think this way. But today it’s common to worry about going to join a large crowd. I have a simple question. What happened and what can we do to change this problem? 
This week in worship I want to share with you five miracles that could change the world. I have prayed for these miracles every day for 51 years.  It is the story of the story of the prodigal son. Join us at 10:30 am either online or in-person.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White